'Healthy Marriage' Healthy For PR

"A strong America must also value the institution of marriage," Bush declared in his State of the Union address. PR Week's Douglas Quenqua writes that the administration may soon be "on the hunt for a PR firm to lead a controversial campaign educating the American public about the skills required to sustain a marriage. Such a campaign, which has been blasted by gay-rights advocates, lies at the heart of a $1.5 billion proposal now before Congress. The 'Healthy Marriage' initiative, already approved by the House, proposes a massive increase in funding for federally run programs, particularly in low-income communities, offering classes in conflict resolution, communication, and other skills the administration feels are essential to maintaining lifelong partnerships." The Department of Health and Human Services says it will "absolutely" seek private-sector PR help. The campaign "would carry two central messages: successful marriages require skills, not luck; and there are classes available to help people acquire those skills."