Founders Day Gala (Sponsored by Democratic Party of Wisconsin)


Milwaukee Athletic Club
758 N Broadway
Milwaukee , WI
Phone: (608) 255-5172
Event Details
Event Date: 
Saturday, April 30, 2011 - 5:00pm

MADISON - The Democratic Party of Wisconsin's 2011 Founders Day Gala will focus on resistance to Scott Walker's divisive power grab and the Party's ongoing support for recall efforts to create a real balance-of-power in Madison.

The featured speaker will be Mass. Gov. Deval Patrick who, unlike Walker, has used negotiation and compromise as a way to solve his state's budget challenges, without putting education, health and infrastructure at risk.

The April 30 event, which also will honor the efforts of Democrats and the Senate to slow down Walker's lockstep Legislature, will take place at the Milwaukee Athletic Club, with doors opening at 5 p.m.

Tickets for every income level can be reserved online at, or by calling (608) 255-5172

"These are difficult times for our state, but exciting times as we begin the process of undoing Scott Walker's assault on Wisconsin's standards and our way of life," Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Mike Tate said Friday. "We welcome Gov. Patrick as an example of leadership that seeks unity and common purpose, instead of division and disunity."