Jessica King Meet and Greet


Schmitty's Oar House
N7044 Winnebago Drive
Fond du Lac , WI
Event Details
Event Date: 
Friday, April 15, 2011 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm

About Jessica King (From Democratic Underground):

Dear Friends,

Moments ago, I officially announced my candidacy for the Wisconsin State Senate!

Northeast Wisconsin needs strong leaders who are willing to stand up for the working families and seniors who elected them. Unfortunately, Sen. Randy Hopper went to Madison and forgot the promises he made to the people of the 18th Senate District.

In response to his role in stripping away the rights from thousands of local families, grassroots volunteers from across the district collected more than 22,500 recall petitions against Sen. Hopper. The message to Sen. Hopper was clear: You forgot the people you were elected to fight for, and now it's time for a change.

As your State Senator, I will always remember that my first responsibility is to the people who elected me, and I will never stop fighting for the working families who make Northeast Wisconsin a place we are all proud to call home.

I was born in the 18th Senate District and raised as a ward of the state in foster care. I understand what it’s like to benefit directly from the programs and values that are under attack today. Without them, I wouldn’t have learned the importance of hard work and dedication that led me to return to Oshkosh after law school, where I opened a small business and fight for you on the city council.

I believe in standing up for what’s right, and I carry that with me today – even if it means taking on the special interests. I was even labeled a “profile in courage” by the Oshkosh Northwestern for a vote I took on the city council, standing up to these same special interests. I will continue to protect working families from the special interests as your State Senator.

I want to be your voice, and a voice for all working families in Wisconsin. But first, I need your help!

Today, I proudly announce my candidacy for State Senate, and I humbly ask for your support!

Your generous contribution of $250, $100, $50 or whatever you can afford, will help us win the 18th Senate District, and put us in an excellent position to take back the Wisconsin State Senate for the working people of Wisconsin.

After 3 years of failed leadership, it's time for a State Senator who will stand up and fight for the people they were elected to serve. I will be that State Senator!

I hope to earn your support.



Jessica King

Oshkosh City Councilwoman & Deputy Mayor

P.S. No campaign can be successful without early grassroots support and momentum. Please help me earn this early support with a contribution of $250, $100, $50 or whatever you can afford so we can retake the State Senate.

Paid for by Wisconsin State Senate Democratic Committee, Jon Erpenbach, Treasurer as an in-kind contribution to Friends of Jess King, Vicki Fitzgerald, Treasurer.