Dark Money Casts Shadow over Push to Tax the Sun
Arizona has been ground zero for the American Legislative Exchange Council-backed effort to penalize homeowners who build solar panels on their homes.
Arizona has been ground zero for the American Legislative Exchange Council-backed effort to penalize homeowners who build solar panels on their homes.
Edelman, the worlds largest PR company, synonymous with astroturf-style front groups, has announced that it will no longer work for groups that deny climate change.
Sheriff David Clarke won his reelection for Milwaukee County Sheriff yesterday.
The Center for Media and Democracy is launching a new web resource on Walmart.
Election law experts and Wisconsin's elections board have filed briefs calling Judge Randa’s decision halting the Walker criminal probe “erroneous” and “completely unmoored" from U.S. Supreme Court precedent.
It was heartening to see people from across America join community leaders, union members, and grassroots activists in Detroit recently as they rallied in support of people facing water shutoffs for unpaid bills. The injustice of low-income residents of Detroit losing water service at the height of summer while corporate customers owing tens of thousands went unmolested was evident, and the refusal to put up with the situation was infectious.
Migrant mothers and their young children detained at the border are being denied an opportunity to be released on bond, because of 9/11.
What's on tap at ALEC this year? New bad bills, dirty energy, a new lobby shop, and the launch of a spin-off group targeting local governments.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court’s recent decisions run counter to conservative principles like federalism and judicial restraint.
The Republican candidate for governor in Illinois is a billionaire who hid his assets in the Cayman Islands to avoid paying taxes and brags that he is part of the "0.01 percent."
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