ALEC's 2016 Agenda Moving in the States: A Snapshot
Working in tandem with deep-pocketed corporations and funders like Koch Industries, ALEC is driving an agenda in the states you need to know about.
Working in tandem with deep-pocketed corporations and funders like Koch Industries, ALEC is driving an agenda in the states you need to know about.
Efforts to gut the federal False Claims Act backed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce got a hearing on Capitol Hill Thursday.
Access the redacted petition here.
The Milwaukee prosecutor is up for reelection. Will Eric O'Keefe finally get his man?
CMD looks into what the KIPP Foundation charter school network and its allies at the U.S. Department of Education want to keep the American people from seeing.
ALEC will be at the swank Omni in Pittsburgh on May 6.
The roots of the "Independent Women's Forum" were defending Clarence Thomas and attacking Anita Hill.
CMD whistleblower Molly Regan receives open government award.
The investigation into ExxonMobil climate change denial continues as court filings show a subpoena has been issued to the PR firm, DCI Group.
Once upon a time, the super-wealthy endowed charitable foundations and then turned them over to trustees to run. Today's multi-billionaires are different.
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