ALEC’s Extreme Legislative Agenda for 2014
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) meets in Washington, DC this week for its "States and Nation Policy Summit."
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) meets in Washington, DC this week for its "States and Nation Policy Summit."
Google, the tech giant supposedly guided by its “don’t be evil” motto, has been funding a growing list of groups advancing the agenda of the Koch brothers.
Meet one of "America’s Highest Paid Government Workers" - George Zoley, Chief Executive Officer of GEO Group, one of America's largest for-profit prison firms providing services to states and the federal government.
Here's a guide to how the government has focused its weapons of surveillance on millions of Americans.
The post-Citizens United dark money showdown is underway in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin makes sense. In November 2010, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker swept to power at a time of economic turmoil with a promise to create 250,000 jobs. Instead, with Republican control of both houses, he passed a bill knee-capping public-sector unions, sparking an 18-day occupation of the Capitol and weeks of mass protests, regularly topping 100,000.
The Center for Media and Democracy is re-releasing this reporters' guide, originally published in April 2013, in conjunction with our new report, "EXPOSED: The State Policy Network: The Powerful Right-Wing Network Helping to Hijack State Politics and Government," and with the launch of the website
New Resource Details "Think Tanks" Tanking Americans' Rights
ALEC is pushing a new "Obamacare kill bill" based on a thin legal argument, and even some ALEC legislators are calling it "the nuclear option."
This week, Arizona Corporate Commission (ACC), the state entity responsible for regulating utilities, voted to charge ratepayers a monthly fee of 70 cents per kilowatt of solar energy installed on their roof.
CMD Exposes America's "Highest Paid Government Workers." Hint: They Aren't Your Local Teachers, Nurses and Social Workers.
DBA Press and the Center for Media and Democracy release records obtained from the Department of Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis pertaining to the operations of the Domestic Security Alliance Council.
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