WI ALEC Leader in Hot Water over Allegations of Sexual Harassment
It's been a bad few weeks for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.
It's been a bad few weeks for Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.
February 13, 2013, was a very special day in Washington DC. It wasn't merely because hundreds of demonstrators marched in front of the White House to stop the KXL pipeline.
Some folks would have you believe that climate change is a hoax, a plot by greedy climatologists, environmental extremists, and one-world global government conspirators to take away Americans' freedom of choice and destroy the economy.
"TransCanada set out to build this pipeline five years ago, and they still haven't. That's saying something about the efforts of activists throughout the country, in spite of all of the money invested in seeing it happen," Natural Resources Defense Council analyst Anthony Swift says.
The claim of Keystone XL supporters that has drawn the most scrutiny and criticism is the number of jobs that the KXL project would generate. Despite research that disproves it, a persistent claim holds that KXL will create 20,000 jobs in the United States.
The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would cover 1,179 miles, from Hardisty, Alberta, Canada, to Port Arthur, Texas. Its name, Keystone, is no accident -- without the 36-inch diameter pipeline the oil producers simply cannot make enough profit to make tar sands extraction worthwhile.
It's difficult to name an issue that is more fundamental to humankind than a functional global environment. In American society, it would be even more difficult to find agreement on what can and must be done to ensure that our actions do not render our global ecosystem uninhabitable.
Today, the CMD released a new short film "Keystone PipeLIES Exposed" and major investigative report debunking key claims of proponents of the Keystone XL Pipeline as the State Department solicits comments from the public on its controversial environmental impact assessment.
Thousands of pages of emails unsealed last week after a years-long investigation into former aides and associates of Scott Walker suggest that the current Wisconsin Governor and his staff misled the press about the first John Doe.
As Comcast moves forward with its plan to take over Time Warner Cable, their legislative agenda is facing greater scrutiny.
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