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Dear friend of CMD and corporate sleuths young and old!
Join Ralph Nader, Jim Hightower, Patti Smith, Phil Donahue, John Nichols, Chris Hedges, Jonathan Turley, Winona LaDuke, Lori Wallach, Russell Mokhiber and more for a teach-in May 23-26 called Breaking Through Power, where you can learn how progressive citizen movements have been fighting and winning all over America.
This year marks the 50th anniversary of Ralph Nader's landmark book Unsafe at Any Speed, which spurred the creation of numerous advocacy organizations and led to major consumer, environmental, and worker safety protections that have saved literally millions of lives.
Now these groups and more are gathering for four days of learning, planning, and organizing at Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C. on May 23, 24, 25, and 26, 2016.
Breaking Through Power; How its Done, May 23
Breaking Through the Media, May 24
Breaking Through War May, 25
Breaking Through Congress, May 26
Come for a day or come for all four. Bring yourself or send a young staffer in your organization or a grandson or granddaughter who needs to broaden their horizons!
More information, tickets, and the full agenda can be found at: You can also call Ticketmaster 1-800-745-3000.
Activists can apply for a scholarship for free admission here.