Firefighter Mahlon Mitchell Announces Run for Lt. Governor in Wisconsin

Mahlon MitchellMahlon Mitchell announced today that he is running for the position of Lt. Governor of Wisconsin in the upcoming recall election against the current Lt. Governor, Rebecca Kleefisch. Mitchell is the president of the Professional Fire Fighters of Wisconsin and a familiar face from the Wisconsin uprising.

Firefighters joined the struggle to preserve collective bargaining rights last year, even though firefighters were exempt from the collective bargaining bill. Firefighters saw it as their duty to stand up for their unions brothers and sisters: "We have a fire in the house of labor, we are here to put it out," Mitchell was fond of saying during the 2011 winter protests.

In the press release announcing his candidacy Mitchell said: "When firefighters see an emergency we respond ... This administration of Scott Walker and Rebecca Kleefisch has destroyed and divided our state by catering to corporate special interests instead of the working men and women of Wisconsin." Mitchell was born in Milwaukee, and has served as a firefighter in Madison for over 15 years. "This is something bigger than just you and me. This is about justice and this is about history. And I guarantee you we are on the right side of justice and we will make history."

A primary election for the recalls of the Governor, the Lt. Governor, and four Republican Senators is expected to take place May 8, with a general elections expected on June 5.