Submitted by Mary Bottari on
CMD Executive Director Lisa GravesAmerica's Future Now! -- the biggest progressive conference of the year organized by Campaign for America’s Future -- convenes June 7-9 in Washington, DC. Join Lisa Graves, Mary Bottari, and Dave Johnson from the Center for Media and Democracy as well as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Alan Grayson, Arianna Huffington, Markos Moulitsas, Van Jones, Gov. Howard Dean, Rep. Donna Edwards, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Richard Trumka, Andy Stern, Bob Herbert, Juan Cole, Digby, Deepak Bhargava, James Rucker, Drew Westen, Katrina vanden Heuvel, Robert Kuttner, Lizz Winstead and thousands more.
Progressives must lead to make sure 2010 is not the year of the Tea Party. Jobs, financial reform, clean energy, clean elections, fair workplaces, civil liberties, health care and human rights are at all stake. Let's show Washington that progressives now how to fight!
Conference Highlights:
On Monday afternoon at 2:30 p.m., our friends from Americans for Financial Reform will be speaking about the battle ahead as the Senate and House bank reform bills head for conference committee.
On Tuesday morning at 7:30 a.m., Simon Johnson, author of the best book about the financial crisis “13 Bankster” will be a featured speaker, joining the Roosevelt Institute's Robert Johnson for the panel "Breakfast And Big Banks," Tuesday morning session directly preceding Speaker Nancy Pelosi's address.
On Tuesday afternoon at 3:10 p.m. there will be a session on “Fixing Citizens United and Changing the Supreme Court” featuring CMD Director Lisa Graves, Public Citizen President Rob Weissman and John Bonifaz, Director of Free Speech for the People and Marge Baker of People For the American Way.
At 4:30 Tuesday our friends, bloggers Dave Johnson and Zack Carter discuss the question of whether Bloggers Can Bring Populism To The Potomac?
Learn more and see a detailed agenda of hundreds of topics and speakers at America’s Future Now!
harold gaeat replied on Permalink
Our future