Grassfire's Blitzkrieg of Fear Aimed at President-Elect Obama

Analyst Meg White examines the "blitzkrieg of fear mongering and misinformation" being whipped up against President-elect Barack Obama. "One phalanx in the fight belongs to ... Grassfire sent out an e-mail designed to scare people into joining its 'army that is ready to take on Obama's agenda.' ...


Bush Administration Quietly Working to Weaken Clean Air Act

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is working to relax air quality rules and make it easier to build coal-fired power plants, oil refineries and other pollution-emitting enterprises near national parks and wilderness areas, even though half of the EPA's ten regional administrators have formally opposed the plan.


The Weekly Spin E-Digest is Moving to Tuesdays

Starting next week, you'll need to wait one less day to get the great information in the Weekly Spin E-Digest! The Spin used to be published on Wednesdays (U.S. time), but we are moving it to Tuesdays. This small schedule change will allow CMD staff to find interesting new material to include in the Weekly Radio Spin, which is produced each Friday.



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