Shareholders Approve Takeover of Medialink Worldwide

Medialink Worldwide -- the largest producer of video news releases and audio news releases -- has announced that shareholders approved a proposal to merge with TNM Group, a subsidiary of The NewsMarket.


Who Is Bankrolling the League of American Voters?

"Standing in a medical exam room, a neurosurgeon in a white lab coat stares solemnly into the camera and warns that President Obama’s health care plan 'will hurt our seniors' and 'end Medicare as we know it.' ... How this ad came to be produced and distributed provides a case study in modern American political advocacy. It shows how a quickly assembled group with uncertain origins and funding can make a mark on one of the most contentious public policy debates in memory.


The Lie Machine Killing Health Care Reform

"According to internal documents obtained by Rolling Stone, Conservatives for Patients' Rights had been working closely for weeks as a 'coalition partner' with three other right-wing groups in a plot to unleash irate mobs at town-hall meetings ... .



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