Yes, Banks Have No Shame

Joe Nocera of The New York Times asks "Have Banks No Shame?" in response to their opposition to new consumer protections proposed in the wake of the biggest bank bailout in history. In the piece, Nocera reports that Simon Baker, a former International Monetary Fund economist, calls the banks' opposition "unconscionable," stating:

“They can’t pay what they owe!” he began angrily. Then he paused, collected his thoughts and started over: “Tim Geithner saved them on terms extremely favorable to the banks. They should support all of his proposed reforms.”


Where's Wendell, TIME's 'Ideal Whistleblower' ?

A business news website notes, "Since early summer Wendell Potter, a former public relations executive for the health insurer CIGNA, has testified before Congress, given speeches and granted interviews aimed at boosting the cause of health care reform and especially a strong public alternative to private industry.


Yet Another PR Ploy: The Un-Spokesperson

The Seattle Times' Jonathan Martin reports, "In response to a request to talk with [T-Mobile] CEO Robert Dotson and other executives this week, I got an email back from the PR firm Waggener Edstrom Worldwide that ended with a strange request.

Hi Jonathan, Thank you for your phone call this afternoon and your patience while I looked into your request. While we won't be able to provide you with an interview we are able to provide the following statement. ... Please note that if you plan to use this statement in your piece, I am not a T-Mobile spokesperson and to use my name would be inaccurate.



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