New York Times Admits Shutting Out Single-Payer

The media analysis group Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) issued an action alert September 22 titled "NYT Slams Single-Payer" that described lopsided reporting in a New York Times article about "Medicare for all," a form of a single-payer health care system.


As Goes Maine...

This weekend's Bangor Daily News editorializes in favor of the public option and quotes the Center for Media and Democracy's Senior Fellow, Wendell Potter. Maine is a particularly crucial state in the health insurance reform debate because Senator Olympia Snowe is considered one of the only Republicans in the Senate who might possibly support reforms that are essential to a successful transformation of the nation's health care system.


Put out the FIRE on Capitol Hill with a Consumer Financial Protection Agency

October 14th, the Obama administration's principal piece of financial service reform legislation, the Consumer Financial Protection Agency, will be up for committee consideration in the House Financial Services Committee. The most important thing to know about the bill? It creates a new federal agency in Washington whose sole purpose is to protect consumers from the deceptive tricks and traps of the financial services industry. The most important thing to know about the committee reviewing the bill? It's on FIRE.


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