Halloween Horror! Seven CEOs to Face Paycuts

According to the Wall Street Journal, federal "pay czar" Kenneth Feinberg will order seven bailed out financial institutions and auto companies to cut their compensation packages for top officers by 25%-50%. According to one professor interviewed, this represents a "seismic shift" in corporate governance.


Exploiting the Exploiters' Hoax

Wasting no time, video game startup Heyzap.com in San Francisco has created a video game based on Colorado's "Balloon Boy" hoax that is circulating on the Web and through Twitter. In it, a young Falcon Heene clings to a tinfoil muffin-like balloon while flying through the air trying to shoot down things that get in his way, like UFOs, rainbows and birds.


Flooding Chile's Media with Pro-Dam Ads

With opposition mounting to the proposed US$3.2 billion HidroAysen hydropower scheme in southern Chile’s Patagonia, the project proponents have launched a "multi-million dollar public relations campaign to sell their project to Chile." The HidroAysen project, which involves five major dams, is being proposed by a consortium of the Chilean utility ColbUn and the and Italian-owned electricity utility Endesa.



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