Who'd Pay for Rupert Murdoch's Climate Change Skepticism?

The climate change skeptics may be a lonely lot in Copenhagen, but no one disputes that they have had an effect, however hard to quantify. British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, recently cautioned against the public being distracted by the "anti-science, flat-earth climate skeptics" while Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, derided them as being the "comfortable bedfellows of the global conspiracy theorists."

While very few of the skeptics have any scientific credentials in climate sciences, that doesn't prevent them gaining significant coverage in pockets of the mainstream media? Why is this the case?

Rising Tides, Slow Food & Global Warming

Copenhagen, Out of the Frying Pan, Part 4

Allow me to apologize for the delay in filing this report, but as we were walking back to our base in Christiania, we were blocked by shoulder to shoulder police and their vans. Christiania was again under siege, and I haven't been able to get to an internet access until now. My next report will have some general information about this amazing phenomena called "Christiania", this city within the city. Tonight, I'll play a concert there and see how things have settled since the rather large battle last night.


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