The Problem with the Revolving Door - It Brought Us Too-Big-To-Fail

Tiffiniy Cheng is guest blogging this week. She is the campaign coordinator for "A New Way Forward" and founder of "Open Congress."

Bailouts and political connections go hand in hand according to a just released academic study. The study, which was conducted by the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan researchers, shows concretely that lobbying, campaign contributions, and the finance/federal government revolving door has helped the most damaging banks despite the dangers they pose to our economy.

Huffington Post Echoes Our BanksterUSA "Wonderful" Campaign Against Big Banks

On Tuesday, the Huffington Post launched a new online campaign asking Americans to “move your money” from “too big to fail” banks to community banks. Taking a leaf from BanksterUSA, HuffPo editor Arianna Huffington embraced Frank Capra’s  big bank vs. small bank message from “It’s  a Wonderful Life” and cut yet another version of the film.



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