Groundhogs Day on Wall Street

On the day that Punxsutawney Phil emerged to predict a long hard winter, Americans picked up the newspaper to read that AIG, the bankrupt insurance giant, was going to pay out $100 million in bonuses to its failed financial products division. Kenneth Feinberg, President Obama’s pay czar, announced that these were “grandfathered” retention payments and that the unit had taken a $20 million dollar reduction in bonuses.

Like Bill Murray in the classic film Groundhog Day, we are being forced to live this day over again.

Boehner: "Prolonged Health Bill Debate Hurts the Economy" (Leaves Out GOP's Strategy to Stall it)

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) suggested on Fox News that the drawn-out process of passing health reform legislation is hurting the economy.



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