The Best Solution to Vampire Squid? Calamari

The great test for the financial services reform bill, if and when it ever gets debated in the Senate, will be what it does to rein in Goldman Sachs, the Wall Street institution famously described by Rolling Stone journalist Matt Taibbi as “a vampire squid jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.”

The bill is being taken up just a week after the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued civil fraud charges against Goldman for creating mortgage-backed investment vehicles deliberately designed to fail in order to benefit preferred clients. Everyone knows it’s tough to handcuff a squid. So some are advocating for a simpler solution.

Join the Showdown on Wall Street April 29th!

The same financial institutions that put 8 million in the unemployment line, drove a record foreclosure crisis, sent our economy into a tailspin, and sucked up trillions in taxpayer bailouts, are back to raking in the profits and bonuses. They are also spending millions to defeat financial reform in the Senate.

It's time to say converge in the belly of the beast, Wall Street, on April 29th at 3:30PM and tell the Banksters that enough is enough. The rocking campaigners at National Peoples Action, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the AFL-CIO are asking you to join them in their call to break up the "too big to fail banks" and protect American consumers. Find out more at Show Down in America. And keep an eye on for the latest on the financial reform bill which will be on the Senate floor next week.


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