When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Switch the Subject

BrewerIn addition to recommending a professional PR campaign to try and coax tourists back to Arizona in the wake of the state's tough new immigration law, the task force appointed by Governor Jan Brewer suggested that Arizona try to "change the tone of the dialogue" by talking about the effects that tourism boycotts have on vulnerable employees within the state.

Switching the focus of a debate to a more winnable subject, in this case downtrodden workers, is a timeworn PR technique. The tobacco industry deployed it at every turn to avoid talking about health. It is one of the many PR techniques perfected by Big Tobacco that are now in almost constant use by embattled corporations everywhere. Now Arizona announced it intends to use it as well.

Safeway Tries to Pull a Fake "Farmers Market"

No fake farmers markets, Safeway!A woman driving by a Safeway store in Kirkland, Washington, spotted a big banner in front of the store announcing a farmer's market that weekend, so she stopped to get more details. The manager explained that Safeway employees were going to be setting up tents and selling Safeway produce, farmer's market-style, in front of the store.



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