Take Action to Save Unemployment Insurance!

Save Unemployment Insurance!In December, two million Americans will lose their Unemployment Insurance unless Congress acts. Millions more will follow. Congress is about to make a choice that will define this moment in history: either support those unemployed by the recession or give tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires. Let them know you are watching. This week you can call your Senator toll free 866-606-1189 or send an email by clicking here. Tell Congress that Unemployment Insurance benefits are a vital lifeline for families and communities in these tough times.

OweNo! Pete Peterson is at it Again

Pete Peterson, multimillionaire investor, Blackstone Group founder and ex-Commerce Department Secretary, last week launched a $20 million public relations campaign the goal of which is to convince the public that government spending is the biggest threat to the nation’s economic stability and prosperity. With a press conference at the Newseum, flanked by Senators Kent Conrad (D-North Dakota) and Evan Bayh (D-Indiana), he launched the OweNo website and TV ads to "start a discussion" about deficit reduction. The ads feature a mock, presidential candidate name "Hugh Jidette." (Say it slowly, get it?) Jidette encourages voters to "Borrow like there’s no tomorrow!" and "Let our kids pay!" The Peter G. Peterson Foundation has spent $50 million in the past two years in an anti-deficit crusade. While deficits have grown recently due to two unfunded wars and collapse of an $8 trillion dollar housing bubble, 300 economists recently signed a letter to the President arguing that this time of continuing economic crisis and high unemployment is not the time for fiscal austerity. Not surprisingly, Peterson never advocates policy prescriptions such as a tax on Wall Street derivatives trading to raise revenue. Instead he favors a pillage-and-plunder approach to critical programs that aid the middle class, including Social Security and Medicare. Peterson prescriptions will radically increase economic inequality and uncertainty -- a bitter pill for the middle class but a great relief to the Wall Street elite.


Whopper, Indeed: Republicans More Responsible for Green Outsourcing

Wind turbinesAs part of our “Whoppers of the 2010 Election Cycle” article, we noted how Republicans ran misleading ads accusing their Democratic opponents of creating jobs in China by supporting the stimulus package. Not only did these ads completely twist the facts, but it was disingenuous for Republicans candidates to accuse Democrats of sending jobs to China when GOP members opposed the “Buy American” provisions that would have prevented this offshoring. Here, we discuss how the GOP’s sustained opposition to meaningful climate and energy legislation played a larger role in sending green jobs overseas than a vote for the stimulus.


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