NFL 1, Toyota 0

The NFL threatened Toyota to get the auto maker to modify a television commercial that highlighted the problem of the brain damage football players suffer from repeated concussions. In the original version of Toyota's ad which aired last November, a mother says she worries about her son playing football as viewers are shown two young players colliding head to head. The scene is enhanced with crashing sounds, as animated force lines ripple from the player's helmeted heads. The mother says Toyota's decision to share crash research with scientists who study football concussions makes her feel more comfortable about her son playing football. The ad bore no NFL trademarks or team names, but the NFL threatened to end the car maker's ability to advertise its products during games if it didn't modify the ad to downplay football as a cause of traumatic brain injury. Toyota capitulated, and in the new version of the ad, the helmet collision has been removed and the mother now worries about "my son playing sports," instead of "playing football."


New Sting Video Targets Planned Parenthood

Lila RoseThe anti-abortion group Live Action is promoting a new, hidden-camera style video resembling those made by conservative activist James O'Keefe, who gained fame in 2009 for making a video in which he posed as a pimp and, with a woman posing as a prostitute, got an employee of the community group ACORN to give him tax advice. O'Keefe's video  led to the ACORN's downfall before it was revealed as a hoax. In similar fashion, Live Action sent actors to 12 Planned Parenthood clinics in six states where they sought advice on how to obtain medical care for under-age prostitutes. The new video shows a Planned Parenthood employee offering advice on how to obtain the care, with suggestions like hiding the prostitutes' ages. Planned Parenthood subsequently fired the employee. Live Action plans to use the video to discredit Planned Parenthood and try to curtail its funding. The video, filmed at Planned Parenthood's clinic in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, was produced by Lila Rose, who also runs Live Action. Rose worked with O'Keefe on producing undercover videos in Planned Parenthood clinics in the past. O'Keefe is currently serving three years' probation for tampering with telephones in the office of Democratic Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America said its Perth Amboy affiliate contacted prosecutors immediately after the "highly unusual" staged visit, which it concluded was a hoax.[Updated 12:23 MST, Feb.3, 2011]


Fraudclosure: Will State AGs Step Up to Their Moment in History?

stopforeclosurefraudRumor has it that the 50-state attorneys general investigation into the Fraudclosure scandal is wrapping up. It's time for a backbone check. Will the state attorneys general just ask the big banks and service providers to turn over a chunk of change from seemingly bottomless pockets? (This strategy was pursued by the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) with little impact). Or will Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller take the lead in wrestling a real settlement out of the banks, so that families hammered by unemployment and underemployment can stay in their homes?


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