Walker Recall Gets Underway with Pajama Parties and Sabotage

The effort to recall Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker begins today, and organizers and volunteers are readying their clipboards to begin collecting more than half a million signatures throughout the holiday season. But as volunteers celebrated the launch at midnight "recall-themed" pajama parties, the many challenges ahead were underscored by a deliberate, grinch-like cyber-attack on a key recall website.

IRS Asked to Investigate Cain Campaign, Democracy Now, 11-08-2011

Lisa Graves, executive director of the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), discusses the complaint that CMD filed with the Internal Revenue Service asking the IRS to investigate whether a top aide has used tens of thousands of dollars from a tax-exempt non-profit to fund Herman Cain's political activities. Citing leaked financial records, CMD says Cain's campaign manager, Mark Block, used at least $40,000 from his group, Prosperity USA, to pay for Cain's private jets, air travel, computers when he's exploring a presidential bid.


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