Indiana Workers Stand against the ALEC Agenda and the Anti-Labor Bill Called the "Right to Work" (for Less)

Thousands of Indiana workers rallied outside, and inside, their state capitol on Wednesday to speak out against Governor Mitch Daniels' renewed effort to force through so-called "right to work" legislation designed to undermine labor unions and workers' rights protected by collective bargaining.

Mitt Romney's "Super" Friends Take Aim Through the "Restore Our Future" Super PAC

Editor's note: This quick snapshot about who is behind the pro-Romney "Super" PAC is a summary of CMD's recent analysis of the problems with Super PACs.

In the Iowa caucus race, the pro-Mitt Romney Super PAC called "Restore Our Future" massively outspent the candidate's official presidential campaign on advertising. The Restore Our Future PAC spent over $3 million in ads, primarily negative ads against Newt Gingrich, who was the target of more than 1,200 negative ad spots from this PAC and others in the span of about a month.

The Center for Media and Democracy Needs Your Help

The Center for Media and Democracy ( has been around for nearly two decades working to expose the misinformation clouding the truth in this country through corporate spin and public relations. The atmosphere is rough for the type of work we do. Every day, as our small team exposes the systems in place to promulgate misinformation, there are huge funds flowing into the mouthpieces of big corporations, front groups, and the corporate media working to deceive and take advantage of the public.


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