Porter Novelli Wins Cancer Account

Porter Novelli will be handling a more than $1 million account for the American Cancer Society, whose recently-hired VP-corporate communications is Greg Donaldson. What's interesting (and thoroughly predictable) is that Donaldson came to ACS from Humana. ACS is gearing up to be a "player" in the DC public policy debate on healthcare.


A Free Press...If You Can Afford It

Powerful corporations routinely throw their weight around in the local and national media--and get away with it. Before running a piece about Micron Technologies, the Idaho Statesman sent a review copy to...Micron Technologies. The Washington Post, The New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal got a scoop on a big airline merger, under the condition that they not talk to any critics of the deal. In their Fear and Favor 2000 report, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting document these and many more examples of the media caving in to corporate spin.


A More Truthful Use of Political Props

Politicians from Ronald Reagan to Bill Clinton George W. Bush are increasingly using "everyday citizens" as props to create a working-class appearance for policies that actually benefit the wealthy. "But unless we stop behaving as props and start behaving as citizens, we will be passive spectators at the increasingly contrived sport of politics in America," writes Robert Kuttner.



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