PRSA Announces 2001 Silver Anvil Award Winners

In its annual display of PR for PR, the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) passed out Silver Anvil Awards to 46 winners during a ceremony held at Equitable Tower in New York City. According to a PRSA news release, the Silver Anvil (symbolizing the forging of public opinion) is annually awarded to public relations practitioners who, in the judgement of their peers, have successfully addressed a contemporary issue with exemplary professional skill, creativity and resourcefulness.


Hypocrisy at Capital Research Center

The Capital Research Center (CRC) is a conservative think tank whose stated mission is to do "opposition research" exposing the funding sources behind consumer, health and environmental groups. It maintains a searchable online database of funders for groups ranging from the Sierra Club to the American Cancer Society, which can be a useful research tool provided you take its pro-tobacco, pro-industry bias with a grain of salt.


Who's Flacking for Whom?

Curious to know which PR firms are working for Coca-Cola? Answer: Dublin & Assocs.; Manning Selvage & Lee; Robinson Assocs.; College Hill, U.K.; Icon Group; and Crawley Haskins. How did we find this out? Simple. We just used the handy "client search tool" on the website of O'Dwyer's PR Daily. Go ahead, try it yourself. Just enter a company's name and hit the submit button:



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