Legislators Solicit Corporate Cash to Attend ALEC Utah Meeting

A letter from a Louisiana state representative asking a corporate representative for money is another example of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) "scholarship" program at work, and how it creates an overly cozy relationship between corporations and legislators that allows for improper influence. The "scholarship" program has allowed corporations to do what lobbying laws in most states prohibit -- give legislators expensive gifts of flights through ALEC which can buy increased influence over public policy.

Bonnie Raitt Rocks for CMD!

Bonnie Raitt rocks for CMD!PRESS RELEASE July 24, 2012

Benefit Reception at Madison's Overture Center August 20th

Madison -- Legendary singer Bonnie Raitt and her special guest, civil rights icon Mavis Staples, will be performing live at Madison's Overture Center at 7:30 p.m. on August 20, 2012. Raitt has chosen the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) as the beneficiary of premium tickets combined with a special "meet and greet" reception backstage following her show.

WI GOP Legislators Call for Voter Purge, Fewer Voter Registrations

Even after courts and law enforcement officials have declared that voter fraud is nonexistent in Wisconsin, Republican legislators continue perpetuating unfounded allegations of fraud, this time to call for purging the voter rolls. Meanwhile, another GOP legislator is claiming that promoting lawful registration is a blow to freedom -- at least when it involves registering Democratic constituencies.


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