Maine Upside Down: GOP Money Backs Democrat Dill, While Godzilla Supports Independent, Angus King

Maine's U.S. Senate race is a battle between not two, but three candidates vying to replace retiring Senator Olympia Snowe: Republican Charlie Summers, Democrat Cynthia Dill, and former Governor Angus King, a left-leaning independent. Despite outside groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce spending millions attacking King, he retains a sizable lead -- but the complex, multi-million dollar web of outside spending has made Maine's U.S. Senate race one of the most interesting in the country.

Einhorn Family Foundation Behind Voter Suppression Billboards

billboard in MilwaukeeOne Wisconsin Now and theGrio have uncovered that the Milwaukee-based Einhorn Family Foundation is the "private family foundation" that funded controversial billboards in Milwaukee which warned: "VOTER FRAUD IS A FELONY! 3 1/2 years and a $10,000 fine." The billboards were denounced as voter suppression by Mike Wilder, director of the African-American Round Table, and other community groups. The billboards were put up in largely African-American and Latino communities in Milwaukee, Cleveland and Columbus by media behemoth Clear Channel, but the client remained anonymous.

Meet the Network Hiding the Koch Money: "Donors Trust" and "Donors Capital Fund"

- Connor Gibson, Greenpeace

Earlier this year internal documents from the Heartland Institute, a major hub of climate change denial and right-wing extremism, were publicly leaked. The documents exposed the Heartland Institute's funders and strategies for attacking climate science, and led to a mass exodus of Heartland's corporate funders.


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