Dark Day For Investigative Journalists

"In 1996, journalist Gary Webb wrote a series of articles that forced a long-overdue investigation of a very dark chapter of recent U.S. foreign policy – the Reagan-Bush administration’s protection of cocaine traffickers who operated under the cover of the Nicaraguan contra war in the 1980s," Robert Parry of Consortium News writes. Webb paid a high price for his "Dark Alliance" stories written for the San Jose Mercury News.


Nuclear Energy's Green Glow

The nuclear industry is painting itself green. Proclaiming nuclear power as a clean-air solution to coal and gas fueled power plants, industry lobbyists are trying to win credits for not polluting the air. ''We have all this generation and it produces zero emissions," Brent Dorsey, director of corporate environmental programs for Entergy, which owns Vermont Yankee and the Pilgrim plant, told the Boston Globe.



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