Milloy Blames Environmentalists First

Steven Milloy, the self-proclaimed critic of junk science at Fox News, rarely misses an opportunity to bash environmentalists. Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, he falsely claimed that the collapse of the World Trade Towers could have been delayed if only the builders had used more asbestos. He also has a habit of distorting other people's words when it serves his agenda. (A recent example of this was featured on, a weblog for climate scientists.)

Milloy's response to the Asian tsunami is similar. In a column for Fox News, Milloy accuses environmentalists of exploiting the disaster by trying to blame it on global warming. In order to make this seem plausible, however, he has to misquote the environmentalists he is attacking.

The Secrets War

"A huge door is closing within our government," warns Steven Aftergood, a government secrecy expert at the Federation of American Scientists. Aftergood is referring to new efforts by the Department of Homeland Security to keep sensitive - but unclassified - information out of the public domain. According to a department directive, "employees and contractors can be searched at any place or any time to ensure they are in compliance with the policy.



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