Jeepers, Creepers, What'd You Do to NEPA?

The 35 year-old National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), which allows public input on environmental reviews of federal actions, "is facing strong challenges from the Bush administration, Congress and business interests who say the law has been holding up progress." The energy bill passed by the U.S.


Move Kurdistan Forward

"The Kurdistan Regional Government has hired Republican lobby firm Russo Marsh & Rogers to get 'free media' to promote the interests of the Kurds in the post-Saddam Hussein Iraq," reports O'Dwyer's. One goal of the Kurdish leaders is "the return of Kirkuk," an oil-rich northern Iraqi city populated by Kurdish and Turkmen people.


Ethics Adviser Dumps On Shell

Following the execution of Nigerian environmentalist Ken Saro-Wiwa and its attempt to dump the Brent Spar oil platform in the ocean, Shell appointed a dozen people to oversee its image overhaul. A decade later, Simon Longstaff, one of Shell's twelve and the director of Sydney's St. James Ethical Centre, lashed out at Shell. "The process we went through was thorough and exhaustive, but what concerned me was seeing the marketing arm of the company turn it into a PR exercise as soon as we had finished," he said.



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