Stauber & Rampton Think Outside the Big Box

WalmartopiaJoin the Center for Media and Democracy's John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton in Madison, Wisc., on December 15 for a talk on corporate PR and its cost to democracy. Stauber and Rampton will speak following a preformance of Walmartopia, a new musical comedy by Catherine Capellaro and Andrew Rohn, the creators of Temp Slave, the musical. "Walmartopia—a future so horrible, it must be stopped!


Baghdad Press Club Membership Has Its Privileges

"A U.S. investigation into allegations that the American military is buying positive coverage in the Iraqi media has expanded to examine a press club founded and financed by the U.S. Army," reports USA Today. The Baghdad Press Club was created in 2004, "to promote progress amid the violence and chaos of Iraq." A military spokesperson said "members are not required nor asked to write favorably" about the United States.



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