Return to Nixonland: How the NSA Slipped its Leash
Here's a guide to how the government has focused its weapons of surveillance on millions of Americans.
Here's a guide to how the government has focused its weapons of surveillance on millions of Americans.
The post-Citizens United dark money showdown is underway in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin makes sense. In November 2010, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker swept to power at a time of economic turmoil with a promise to create 250,000 jobs. Instead, with Republican control of both houses, he passed a bill knee-capping public-sector unions, sparking an 18-day occupation of the Capitol and weeks of mass protests, regularly topping 100,000.
The Center for Media and Democracy is re-releasing this reporters' guide, originally published in April 2013, in conjunction with our new report, "EXPOSED: The State Policy Network: The Powerful Right-Wing Network Helping to Hijack State Politics and Government," and with the launch of the website
New Resource Details "Think Tanks" Tanking Americans' Rights
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