Texas Attorney General Rebuffs ALEC's Effort to Declare Itself Immune from Open Records Law

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 30, 2013

CONTACT: Brendan Fischer, brendan@prwatch.org

MADISON -- Texas Republican Attorney General Greg Abbott has issued an Open Records Letter Ruling rejecting an effort by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to declare itself immune from the state's public records law, after the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) and the Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas filed briefs in the matter.

Koch Bros Retainer to PRWatch: “Bring It!”

Stop Suder's Sweetheart DealSome interesting emails were released as part of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's ongoing investigation of a $500,000 taxpayer grant awarded to the Koch-tied United Sportsmen's group. The grant was tailor-made for United Sportsmen and slipped into the budget by State Representative Scott Suder as one of his last acts as a state legislator. (Suder, who also served as ALEC's Wisconsin State Chair, was given a new job at the Public Utilities Commission and a $45,000 pay raise by Governor Scott Walker.)


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