Public Relations--A Growth Industry

The top 50 PR firms worldwide more than tripled their revenue from 1994 to 2000, according to the Council for Public Relations Firms. 2000 saw a 30 percent jump from the previous year, breaking the 3.8 billion dollar mark. Money makes the world go 'round--with a little spin from the burgeoning PR industry.


Fired Fox-TV Journalists Win Goldman Environmental Prize

The prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize has been awarded to Jane Akre and Steve Wilson, TV journalists who researched the potential health risks of rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone), the genetically modified hormone injected into U.S. dairy cows to stimulate milk production. The hormone is one of the first genetically modified products approved by the FDA. It is banned in Europe, Japan and most other industrialized nations. The story by Akre and Wilson proved too hot for their local Fox TV network affiliate for which it was produced and ultimately led to their firing.



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