Blowing in the "Tailwind"

CNN has paid an undisclosed sum of money to settle a lawsuit by former CNN producer Jack Smith, who claims that he was unfairly fired for reporting on the U.S. military's use of nerve gas in Vietnam's "Operation Tailwind." Smith's $100 million defamation suit claims that he and fellow producer April Oliver actually got the story right, only to have their reputations and careers ruined when the network caved in to CIA pressure to retract the story.


AMA Weighs Ending Sale of Doctor Data to Drug Firms

The American Medical Association is considering putting the brakes on its controversial practice of selling information about its members to the nation's largest drug marketers. The AMA generates more than $20 million in revenue from selling doctors' biographies, which include everything from medical license information and private telephone numbers to federal identification data issued to track controlled substances. This information is an important marketing tool, giving pharmaceutical companies valuable insight into which doctors to target for the latest brand-name drugs.


Front Group Uses PR to Oppose Patients' Bill of Rights

PR giant Porter Novelli steps up its efforts to oppose the patients' bill of rights as it makes its way to the Senate floor for a vote. Porter Novelli represents the Health Benefits Coalition, a 3-year-old industry front group made up of 32 organizations such as the Business Roundtable, the US Chamber of Commerce, and the National Association of Manufacturers, according to a PR Week article. In preparation for the Senate debate on the bill, PN is doing polling, launching print, radio, and TV ads, creating briefing books, and holding a press conference the last week of June.



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