Recent comments

  • Reply to: FDA Orders New, Straightforward Cigarette Warning Labels   13 years 6 months ago

    Anne; The entire anti smoking champaign has in fact been carried far enough ! In most of the US smoking indoors,in public meeting places has already been bannend.Many municipalities are now considering banning smoking even in outdoor places where the public congregates.Many renters are now finding that they can not light up even in the homes/ apartments they rent.
    Please tell Anne,exactly who is it that has not been made aware of the dangers of smoking/ second hand smoke ? Is it the same people,who have not been made aware that deisel fuel exhaust has been linked to lung cancer ? Are we talking about the same folks who still do not know that nuclear plants release harmfull radioactive pollutants on a regular basis,as a condition of normal operation.Perhaps we are talking about the folks who still do not know about, or believe in the existance of HAARP,and other types of weather modification technologies ?

    Anne I appreciate your concern for my health,but quite frankly my dear,the condition our nation,and our world is in, has be a bit nervous;so I am going to smoke a ciggarete now.Hopefully I will suffer a mind nubbing stroke and will no longer be agonized over the things that are being done to myself and my fellow man,that we have absolutely no control over.

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 6 months ago

    I read ACRES USA an organic farming magazine.Every month they have the (dirt on Monsanto and the ins and outs of their lawers and executives that go through USDA's revolving door. The Secretary of Farming is a (rotater) from Monsanto. Monsanto is totally involved in advising on laws that support Monsanto to their benefit. Monsanto does not care about long term results. The game is all about short term profits. Ugly results of their gmo's are beginning to show up. In Iowa 100,000 acres of GM corn was lost due to a glyphosate resistant corn root worm.According to Greenpeace,who released a new report titled "Australia's wheat scandal:The biotech takeover of our daily bread. CSIRO approved the worlds first human feeding trials of GM wheat to Australians. International GM labeling in over 100 countries may happen; Check out

  • Reply to: Protesters Spotlight Corporate Influence in State Politics at ALEC Annual Meeting   13 years 6 months ago
    You seem to be doing more "protesting" HERE than you did at the ALEC meeting! Are YOU, perhaps, a Corporate plant? All these Corporations, and Right-Wing-Zealots seem to want anarchy, too (You know, "Every Corporation for themself."), just like you ("Every anarchist for himself"). I think your posts are ad hominem and childish, and should be deleted. viva la (European Socialism) revolucion! It's certainly better than "American" fascism!
  • Reply to: Top Companies Claim To Fight Global Warming, But Sponsor ALEC’s Climate Denial   13 years 6 months ago
    <blockquote>Here is an article on the CERN news, published in Nature, by a former New Scientist editor: "</blockquote> That's a bit misleading. The article you've linked to was not published in <i>Nature</i> but is an entry in Nigel Calder's blog. Here's <i>Nature's</i> preview of the article by Kirkby et al.: Unfortunately the full article is behind a pay wall, so a reader would have to pay money to judge whether the article supports what Calder says about it.
  • Reply to: FDA Orders New, Straightforward Cigarette Warning Labels   13 years 6 months ago

    I think they should be required to post large pictures of antitrust-dismembered and mangled corporations at the entrances of all ALEC conferences.
