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I whole-heartily disagree with the Wisconsin photo ID requirement, but did this worker use "company" property to send out this e-mail or did he send this through his personal account? Some companies/businesses are very strict in personal use of company property.
Where is the ACLU in all this bullshit that Walker is pushing?
Many renters are now finding that they can not light up even in the homes/ apartments they rent."
That sound good to me. Since smokers are now in the minority, the odds are that the next person to rent that apartment will be a non-smoker. There's no good reason why a non-smoking tenant should have to put up with residual odors left by a previous occupant who lived and smoked there for years. At the very least, I see no reason why a smoking tenant shouldn't pay premium rent for a smoking-designated apartment or a higher security deposit for de-odorizing the premises when he vacates.
SourceWatch has a list of corporations belonging to ALEC [ here.] A web site called [ Fight Bad Faith Insurance Companies] evaluates insurers with respect to whether they tend to handle claims in good faith (paying legitimate claims in a timely fashion), or in bad faith (e.g., needlessly delaying or denying legitimate claims).
I have spoken to my State Farm auto insurance agent (been with that agency for something like 27 years), and let him know that I will be changing insurance companies if State Farm continues its involvement in ALEC. Any recommendations for a non-ALEC auto insurer that is not totally reactionary, or even possibly somewhat progressive? John Douglas
That sound good to me. Since smokers are now in the minority, the odds are that the next person to rent that apartment will be a non-smoker. There's no good reason why a non-smoking tenant should have to put up with residual odors left by a previous occupant who lived and smoked there for years. At the very least, I see no reason why a smoking tenant shouldn't pay premium rent for a smoking-designated apartment or a higher security deposit for de-odorizing the premises when he vacates.