Recent comments

  • Reply to: Colorado Oil and Gas Association CEO Describes PR Strategies to Deal with "Nuts"   13 years 5 months ago

    Have you done any research about the current headlines into the risks of fracking?

    Every day there is a new headline about something else that's gone wrong somewhere in the country where fracking is occurring.

    Water quality, air quality, spills, earthquakes, illness, radioactive waste (Marcellus is a particularly 'dirty' shale play, by the way), lack of regulation, gas companies buying silence with gag orders after settling with people who've had disasters, boom/bust economy issues, explosions of drug abuse and sexual assault with transient populations that come into drill, toxic chemicals in fracking fluids, etc, etc, etc, etc.

    Even as the gas companies are setting up pipelines to export into Canada and applying to export to China.
    Even as the new figures for the projected amount of extractable gas is down by 805 of the figures and the DOE have used (projections by the USGS).

    Even as the projected numbers of wells will turn rural areas into industrialized mazes of machinery, noise, pipelines, and traffic. In NYS, they're projected a 3-5 acre well pad EVERY SQUARE MILE in what has been forest and farmland. Thousands of trucks driving our roads daily -- thousands.

    My business will fold if they frack where I live -- we are supported by the tourists who come here for quiet, for rural beauty, for clean air and water. Our economy will tank within months.

    If you think people who are concerned about fracking are just posturing, you are truly not paying attention.

  • Reply to: Colorado Oil and Gas Association CEO Describes PR Strategies to Deal with "Nuts"   13 years 5 months ago

    Even the CEO of Chesapeake admits there have been "several dozen cases" of groundwater contamination due to Fracking:

    There are literally thousands of pending lawsuits about groundwater contamination. Not all are legit, but some are. Even if only 10% are legit, that's hundreds more cases of groundwater contamination. Fracking has been going on since the late 60's, mind you, but only in the last 10 years, as energy prices have skyrocketed, has fracking been aggressively pursued.

    If we're going to frack for gas, we'd better start building desalination plants and water pipelines to wherever we're doing it. In 30 years, there will be very little uncontaminated groundwater left in areas where fracking has been done.

  • Reply to: Colorado Oil and Gas Association CEO Describes PR Strategies to Deal with "Nuts"   13 years 5 months ago

    Sometimes I feel like a nut - sometimes I don't!

    And right now I am SO glad to be a 90%er!


  • Reply to: Colorado Oil and Gas Association CEO Describes PR Strategies to Deal with "Nuts"   13 years 5 months ago

    I assume that is the same 90 percent who demand cheap gasoline as if it is their constitutional right. Fracking is not bad; oil and gas production is not bad. Environmental wackos are bad. They do not care about this country and your freedoms or the environment. They simply want to control you and your surroundings.

  • Reply to: Colorado Oil and Gas Association CEO Describes PR Strategies to Deal with "Nuts"   13 years 5 months ago

    Typical cognitive-dissonance addled doublethink. Which fossil fuel company is paying you to troll Internet message boards anyway?
