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  • Reply to: Voter Suppression Bills Sweep the Country   13 years 5 months ago
    ALEC is like a poison that is being injected into the nation's blood stream -- i.e., politics, education and culture. Check out the site that exposes it at Check out how many of your state legislators are members of it. Nearly all of the Arizona legislature are members and the governor has had past involvement in it. It was and ALEC member who wrote the AZ immigration law. Check out their list of legislative bills and see what their plans are for this country. They represent the greatest threat to the broad, basic democratic principles that this country has faced in its history. If they are allowed to go exposed and unchecked they will serve to undermine the rights and freedoms of every individual in this country. We will be left at the mercy of the corporation that are the controlling interest behind ALEC. When the Republicans and their crony corporate supporters can't win in fair elections, they resort to dirty tricks, fear mongering and rule changing to skew the balance in their favor. It is time oppose them and end their domination of state and federal governments.
  • Reply to: Rick Perry's Texas Health Care Hoax   13 years 5 months ago
    Tort reform is a perverse joke and an excuse to limit patients' rights to get a fair settlement, or any settlement, in a case even when they actually do deserve redress. Texas medical costs are exorbitantly high, and this from a person now living in Texas who used to live in Massachusetts. Those who continually go on about tort reform as a solution to our health care problem are either sadly deluded, or are deliberately trying to push it as another excuse to cheat the average person out of a constitutional right to a day in court.
  • Reply to: Colorado Oil and Gas Association CEO Describes PR Strategies to Deal with "Nuts"   13 years 5 months ago

    I does not even begin to make sense. First sing of ignorance is disrespect.

  • Reply to: Colorado Oil and Gas Association CEO Describes PR Strategies to Deal with "Nuts"   13 years 5 months ago

    when the industry drills an O&G well and then places a toxic spewing compressor station nearby your home, then and only then, let us all know how you feel about it, until then you're speakin' out yer bunghole....btw, you forgot to say that not only does frackin' upset an underground water table - but the initial drilling contaminates that water as well......but I digress, you're nothing more than a sleazeball hiding behind the name ANONYMOUS.....

    btw, absolutely no one believes that it is their constitutional right to get cheap gas/oil.....this statement of yours only proves that you are about you get a life, bippy

  • Reply to: Colorado Oil and Gas Association CEO Describes PR Strategies to Deal with "Nuts"   13 years 5 months ago

    I am a vocal oppent to fracking. I am a single mother of four boys, and I oppose fracking anywhere and everywhere. I want my children and grandchildren to have forests they can hike through, and clean water to drink. I want the same for my neighbors, my fellow man. I want to shout it from the rooftops. Yet, I don't have the money backing me like many of my more VOCAL believers. So instead I talk about it at work, I talk about it in the grocery store. Where ever I am, I talk about it. Why? Because of basic science. Basic science tells us that dirt, sand, gravel, soil is a pourous material. That they will swell and absorb x amount of water before the water starts leaking out, (Hence plates under house plants.)Now when you frack you go UNDER THE WATER TABLE, your forcing millions of gallons of chemicals into the ground to fracture out the gas. Those chemicals don't stay nicely in the pipes, they get forced back up to the surface. This means they are filtering back up through the soil, into the water. HMMMMMMMMMMM basic science. And no I don't get paid a dime by Scott Bradshaw for promoting his solar roadway. He doesn't know I exist, but it's good Technology and really I LOVE the concept.I have a few ideas I'd love to talk to him about. I don't get paid a dime from windmill manufacturers, and I wholly support that concept as well. You don't read about an energy crisis in Holland do you? No, I don't recieve a dime from any of these people yet I am vocal in my support. If Josh Fox and other's like him receive financial compsation from the company's that are so valently working to find a solution that assist's every man, woman and child live healthier lives, and to really finally start reversing the damage we as a race have inflicted on this planet, so be it. Congressman get incentives from the oil and gas industry. Governors and Mayors as well. So why should environmentalists be excluded from accepting assistance in getting a message across. The message though is loud and clear. If we as a people do not rise up and GLOBALLY DISAPPROVE OF THIS PRACTICE IT WILL NOT STOP!
    Because if we don't, you can put us at the top of the list of the list of soon to be extinct species. The only place we know that our carbon based life forms can exist and we are destroying it. I don't own anystocks in any company, but I do own stock in what happens to my children and theirs, and theirs, and theirs. If we don't clean up this planet they won't have one. We can't even consider space or colonizing mars because we have also started polluting the moon. (How do you think NASA found that water??)And the space around our atmosphere is already filling up with dead satillites where do you think they are going to go?
    Eventually they'll come back down, basic science what goes up eventually must come down. Honestly it's not as if we don't have the technology to fix any of these problems, but now my question to you is what is wrong with wanting to preserve the planet? Whats wrong with wanting solar power (A FREE RESOURCE) instead of having to worry about nuclear meltdowns and poisoned water and soil? Why bitch about people being on welfare (money they use to pay water and utility bills)when you can give it to them for FREE!!!!!
