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  • Reply to: Fracking Insiders Score Big in New Gas Bill, But Americans Not Told the True Costs of Massive Drilling Plan   13 years 5 months ago
    I agree with you 100%. Here in Colorado, public officials have all swallowed the oil and gas industry's line that fracking is safe. But there are endless reports of fracking spills and accidents. The Colorado Independent reports: A Denver Post analysis this week found that the recent uptick in drilling operations across the state has “resulted in spills at the rate of seven every five days — releasing more than 2 million gallons this year of diesel, oil, drilling wastewater and chemicals that contaminated land and water.” The Post also reported companies have admitted 343 new spills so far this year and more than 1,000 since August of 2009. Statewide that’s more in the last two years than a sportsmen’s group uncovered in the Piceance Basin of northwest Colorado over the course of a decade. Some have compared spills and leaks in Colorado to a slower, steadier onshore version of BP’s Gulf Horizon spill in the Gulf of Mexico last year – a situation that apparently is being repeated. Why worry about terrorists when you have the oil and gas industry to deplete and contaminate your water, land, and air?
  • Reply to: Chez Sludge: How the Sewage Sludge Industry Bedded Alice Waters   13 years 5 months ago
    The title is self-explanatory here. Has anyone got a useful response to offer? Personally, I find this idea sensorially repulsive and can think of many other as effective or more effective alternatives..
  • Reply to: Colorado Oil and Gas Association CEO Describes PR Strategies to Deal with "Nuts"   13 years 5 months ago

    It sounds to me that Mrs. Conoly Schuller is setting up Colorado Oil and Gas Association to become the next chapter of Conway/Oreskes' "Merchants of Doubt".

  • Reply to: About ALEC Exposed   13 years 5 months ago
    Until The people realize that griping does nothing.... And take the laws away from those who are in charge....We will continue to see the loop holes that allow things like ALEC to exist. We need to have a Constitutional Convention, take away the retirements and benefits Congress and Senate gave themselves in the 1960's. Take away the lobbyists and corporate rights that grant them the same rights as a U.S> Citizen. And take back the government. It does not state ... We the Corporations of the United states, It says... We The PEOPLE. Dump Every incumbent in 2012.
  • Reply to: About ALEC Exposed   13 years 5 months ago
    Just scanned the list of Bills listed under Guns, etc. One such "Bill" caught my eye; that being the Castle Doctrine Bill. We already have the Castle Doctrine Statute here in Florida and it works. We no longer have to retreat from some thug who invades our space and may have rape, robbery or killing on his mind. I see no problem with every State in the United States enacting Castle Doctrine for their citizens to protect themselves. I fully support the National Rifle Association's every legal move to spread the word about the Second Amendment to the Constitution; an Amendment which has been supported and upheld on several occasions by the Supreme Court. IF we are to become a Nation of cowards, then by all means let us follow Obama, Clinton, Holder, Bloomberg, John Kerry and the rest of the gun haters in political positions to work for US and throw away our guns (except the criminals, of course) and burn the Constitution. However, if we are to defend our right to be safe in our homes, place of worship and our cars, then let us elect some REAL leaders to work for US and send those who are intent on destroying our freedoms packing quick, fast and in a hurry in 2012.
