Recent comments

  • Reply to: Koch Lobbyist is ALEC State Co-Chair for Wisconsin; Scholarships Raise Ethics Concerns   13 years 5 months ago
    Maybe not. The 6th floor is occupied by CG Schmidt, a construction firm whose employees backed Walker with $13,786.16 ( vs. $2,500.27 for Barrett ( in the last election cycle.
  • Reply to: Koch Lobbyist is ALEC State Co-Chair for Wisconsin; Scholarships Raise Ethics Concerns   13 years 5 months ago
    ALEC WI Private Sector Chair Amy Boyer's employer, Hamilton Consulting, is located on the 5th floor of 10 Doty St. in Madison. Koch Companies Public Sector LLC, set up two weeks prior to Gov. Walker's inauguration is located on the 7th floor of said building. Now THAT'S one cozy lobbyist/client relationship. I wonder if the tenant on the 6th floor constantly feels like they need a shower.
  • Reply to: Is Scott Walker John Doe?   13 years 5 months ago
    "has said she is not represented by a lawyer" What she actually said was "I feel no need for legal representation." Which does preclude having it. The scuttlebutt is that former US Attorney Steven Biskupic - who's been retained by the Walker campaign (and is the man who improperly put Georgia Thompson behind bars, allegedly under pressure from the Bushies) - is providing her counsel.
  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 5 months ago

    I completely agree with you on this. Monsanto is a monster trying to rule the entire food industry. Whole Foods, and other stores can only do so much to keep their food safe. It's like going up against the government, (on anything) it's only a matter of time before they win and you lose big time. This is America for us with a totally failed FDA, and citizens dying by the masses of cancer. I know i'm not the only one making the connection here right? What I have always wondered though is if Monsanto employees eat corn products, and EVERYTHING else that they contaminate to death? I mean it just doesn't seem like they would actually feed this poison to their kids by choice. It seems to me that they've even left themselves and their kids with no other options, imagine...

  • Reply to: Whole Foods Market Caves to Monsanto   13 years 5 months ago

    THANKS, very much, for the clarifications re labelling & labelling regulations..
    In these busy & changing times it isn't easy to keep up-to-date.
    I intend to begin researching with your suggestions and see just what can be done about labelling issues, then follow up..

    Next up: COUNTRY of ORIGIN labelling for all foods.
    I'm really tired of looking in the produce section and seeing, "Mexico/USA".
    Like, that is news you can use?
    Or. zero origin info given with other types of foods.
    For instance: grains, sweeteners, coffees, teas, nuts, dried fruits, herbs, dairy products prepared foods etc

    Best kitchen supply solution is getting to be buying directly from producers or growing it yourself. Food co-opping w/ like-minded people works well for many reasons. Among them is that procurement & research duties can be shared and bulk orders save money. And much more. The adage, "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts". is proven w this.

    Most reliable quality in prepared food? Food made in your own kitchen or in kitchens of those you trust.
