The lunacy of this argument is hysterical. Agency such as the IPAB have the actual authority to make regulations that have the same power as law. Congress has in all practicality no veto over these regulations whatsoever, nor does the President. The boards are almost universally penetrated by special interest lobby groups, whether private corporations, businesses, union or environmental lobbyists. Yes, they are special interests too. Any group who advocates an agenda, whether you agree with them and therefore think they should be heard or not, are special interest. This is purely put, unconsitutional. This board has the power to create law with no check on it by the people through elections.
ALEC is an organization that brings together legislatures who debate model legislation, and then pass items they agree with. They then have to bring it back and have it voted on by their OWN legislatures and signed by their Governors. There they are put through strict hearing processes and debates on chamber floors. Guess what, if people don't like it or it is a bad idea, the chance of it being held up or voted down is extremely high. Here poses an actual checking power versus the administrative board. You pretend to claim the people are supreme yet you continue to ignore their intelligence and power.
The hypocrisy of the right and left on such issues is revolting. Get reality straight here folks. People have a say in things. That means corporations too, since stockholders are people. Guess what though, that also means labor unions get a say in things too! However, the only real check on government power (and so the power of business and labor)is through the careful consideration by the voters in elections. You get what you vote for. However, ALEC poses the chance for people to throw out what they don't like. IPAB does not. Refuted. Please get a clue now.
I have to say I'm a concerned citizen who is SICK & TIRED of you and your communist ilk. The redistributive policies you and your cronies believe in are ruining this country! It's time to expose you for who you are. You're a marxist who wants nothing more than to take, Take, TAKE from those of us who produce and create. Freedom and free market principles are what made this country great. And in order to continue that amazing tradition of freedom, I and many in my group will do everything we can to make sure you and your commie principles are exposed and defeated in Massachusetts!
Are you full of excrement? I asked questions during my physical and got swiped with an additional visit. My total time in the office, <15 min. If you asked for an oil change and someone changed your brakes without calling and telling you the price to do so AND you accepted it, you're an idiot! You would have the option to tow it somewhere else at an overall cheaper price.
You have a written contract with your employees to pay them an hourly rate (none of the documents I read in my agreement with my doctor noted any BS about answering a question during a physical would cost any extra - nor does it have an hourly charge). So if I have two problems, say an earache and a rash, I will get charged for two visits? EFF YOU
The doctor asked me if I had any additional questions with no indication of additional cost, so I asked. If I were to ask if it will cost me extra, do I then get charged for asking a third question. You are full of S$#T! I now have to ask prior to any question if there is an additional charge for my question. Grow some balls and tell your clients before you screw them you cowardly P.O.S. Rot in hell you crook.
Obama's recent budget plan is likely to cut healthcare cost significantly.
it looks like job of GOP is to oppose regardless of benefits and reason for their stance is obama is democrat.