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  • Reply to: Should Public Sector Unions Exist?   13 years 5 months ago
    We all think that unions are about helping out the little man and how they fight for workers rights. don't make me laugh.... if thats your view on what unions are you are far from the truth. With so many government agency's regulating wages and terminations what real need is there for unions's. Well the need is simple greed, and laziness. one reason why we have lost so many jobs is we are not willing to do a simple days work for a decent wage. if american's weren't so wrapped up in having the biggest car and house we might actually be able to live within our means. but were told to want more for doing less and the employer not even being able to make there employee's productive because the employer knows its going to be a lot more trouble and cost a lot more money than to fire a worthless employee. we want jobs but unions are a direct cause of why employment is going down. why would an employer who has employee's but could use more but is afraid to hire some jerk off who isnt going to do anything. The teachers union has to be the prime example of doing less and getting paid more. why should unions hold so much power? and an even bigger question is why is everybody afraid to step and say something when sex offenders are working around children and school districts cant do anything about it except basically giving him a paid vacation instead of firing him on the spot. why cant we do that, fire a teach on the spot for anything that is done wrong or for not performing the way they should, should kids always get second rate teaching because somebody just wants a pay check. why not have more motivation like the cost of there job. teachers should be looked at like children themselves when you dont do what your sopose to do and dont give a crap then you should suffer consequences but if there are never any why would there be a need to do anything... so my point is unions are only hurting the american people as it stands... at one point in time they were needed but now that is no longer necessary. i think we should start with the big bad bully on the street the teacher unions and reorganize our school system but we can do anything unless we unshackle our selves from the roots of evil and selfishness. think of how much money it would actually save people. no more union dues.
  • Reply to: Is Scott Walker John Doe?   13 years 5 months ago
    Can anyone be surprised at this? And for him to retain a lawyer when they haven't accused him of anything yet, shows he has something to hide. Will be hard for them to get anyone to talk, because he seems to own the State Patrol, since he put the Fitz brothers dad in charge. I am sure they will be afraid and well they should be. Walker will do anything to advance himself and the lackeys" around him all look to be promoted, and they have no ethics as has been seen since he took office.
  • Reply to: New Advertising Trend: Fake "Public Service" Ads   13 years 5 months ago

    here's a great fake Public Service Announcement

  • Reply to: Bill O'Reilly and the Fox-Comcast Crushing Machine   13 years 5 months ago
    Bill O'rielly says a lot of thing that not true, you have to research and find out for you self. O'rielly is a hate monger, he like for his views to agree with him, he is also a nasty man and i don't care for him. I know he has a corporations and i also know that O'rielly have Spanish speaking employees because he said that on his show with Lou Dobb who also have Spanish employees, and talk was that Ice would checking employers place of business.
  • Reply to: Wisconsin Students Rally at Debate On Affirmative Action   13 years 5 months ago
    There are many complexities associated with affirmative action programs and policies. However, one issue which we continually ignore, as is the case with most government related programs and initiatives, is whether it is effective in addressing past wrongs. Think about this: How many beneficiaries of affirmative action programs have actually shared their good fortune with other members of their particular ethnic group, as opposed to using their increased opportunities and wealth to distance themselves from the masses of minority citizens?
