I am saddened and disgusted by people like Moore and the PR Firms and Think Tanks and the soulless corporations that pay them. I fear we've passed the point of no return.
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Good questions… And as of this date (09/26/2011) not a single thing has happened to Walker for casually discussing breaking the law in multiple ways to further his political agenda. Nada. Zip….
Hey wait a minute - that reminds me of Clarence Thomas - $600,000.00 of unreported taxes and - "oooops - sorry!" was all he had to say to get off "Scott" free.
The sad truth is we no longer live in a country of laws. We live in a country where the privileged elite live under a different set of laws than us "common" people. Walker, Thomas et al experience zero consequences acting in ways that would put you and me behind bars.
Way t'go John…. That's the kind of response that got Glen Beck off the air - hit 'em where they feel it (the only place they feel it) - right in their pocket book.
It was voluntary, don't you remember? The little box you (undoubtedly didn't) check on your tax form? I did want my money, what little it was, to go to supporting candidates who didn't have wealthy interests backing them. That was a small step to take toward getting a representative government. So now, *our* money, (that of those of us who contracted with the state to fund this project), will be stolen to help disenfranchise those who might vote against the money interest. Your money was never included, unless you were a good government fan. So, you didn't have it right.
Are you serious about unions killing jobs and hurting Americans? Where do you get your information? Have you looked at history? The American standard of living ROSE when union membership was at it's highest. As jobs and living standard declined, so did union membership. I resent ANYONE calling anyone else lazy and greedy! I am a nurse, I have been a nurse for a very long time, both union and non union. There was NO DIFFERENCE in the work ethic or attitude in either group. There was a difference in the working conditions. They were better in a union shop. I have also been a government employee and found most people to be hard working and honest. Don't you think it is about time we stop fighting amongst ourselves and start standing up for each other! Do you really think you are more qualified/ambitious/hardworking/worthy because you are not part of a union!!?
As far as unions being needed, are you aware there is no federal regulation requiring a company to give workers a lunch break? A 10 minute break per 4 hours, yes, but no lunch. Are you aware that there is a movement afoot to get rid of minimum wage? Are you aware that many businesses require you to use your PTO time for holidays? Even if the business is CLOSED FOR THE HOLIDAY?! And don't even get started on the school system. Do you or anyone you know teach? If you think they have it so good, do it then. I hope that you will reconsider your position and look up your facts. People do not live beyond their means because of unions. They do not become lazy because of unions. The dues they pay would not allow a lot of savings to be made. Look at the real facts.