How does someone with very little knowledge of Postal infrastructure and politics get away with such STUPID ideas ????? Does he NOT know he gets free mail delivered via USPS !! NOT Fed Ex or UPS . DO your homework before you fail Politics 101 you moron !
Just give us our darn pink slips already. I need a vacation, a nice long one at that. If anyone is worried, please don’t be. We all are entitled to unemployment benefits and we can collect this for a while. When those benefits run out, it’s off to the social security office for a disability. And why this will work because there are so many people today abusing our system. That’s what today government wants. They want us to depend on them. So okay I am so ready, I have gotten so tired of all this garbage anyways, so let the games began. Oh yeah, my mortgage, what mortgage that’s what bankruptcy is for, see everything works out.
Reggie, It is unfair for you to assume that those who benefit through Affirmative Action will not give back. Where is your documentation for that assertion that proves your case? Personally, as a white man, with decidedly the "white privilege" ordained to me, I know folks, friends, people of color, who, had they not been given the chance through Affirmative Action to become educated and to pursue goals to push through for fair social justice issues and to actually work on behalf of the ethnic group they are in, could not help others as they do. So, just my small anecdote contradicts your assertion, but to assume that there are none of whom you speak is also not correct, I'm sure there are, but they are the exception, not the rule. White privilege has never known discrimination as people of color have and cannot understand just how unequal things are even today. Look at the stats about who is being the most affected with the recession and the high numbers of unemployment and incarceration that are affecting people of color. Of course, there are different levels of discrimination and oppression. Having been brought up in an all white Methodist orphanage and attending public school, all at the public school knew those students who were from the "home." We never seemed to measure up, and I'm certain being black with hundreds of years of being considered equal to a piece of furniture as property, has generational effects, and with white folks with their "white privilege" having no idea what life is like as property. I know no black person today is or was property, but the affects of not being considered "good" enough, or of being thought of as typical stereotypes plays a role in how these folks see themselves. With the total of 2698 people of color students out of 42,000 at the university it seems silly to be concerned about affirmative action. It isn't like the university is being inundated with students in the group called people of color, and I do not quite understand what the objection to it is and just how it hurts white students who outnumber everyone else.
Your ability to spew USPS union talking points is breathtaking. Sure the legislative proposals to fix the USPS are all over the map, but please spare us with the conspiracy theories. Take away the future retiree health benefit payments issue and the USPS is still in big trouble, historic trouble. It's a laugh that supposedly intelligent people say this is a manufactured crisis. The Postal Service's business model needs to be fixed, and serving as a jobs program for hundreds of thousands too many people or serving as the lone business in a dead town with five residents isn't a good business model either. If you don't want USPS to operate as a business, then offer to pay taxes to support it like the "good old days." Don't want to do that? Didn't think so. As far as the rest of government goes, local and otherwise, it seems to make sense to look at prefunding of retiree benefits that either already are or will soon be unsustainable.
Smoking does not cause heart disease.