As quoted: " The republican strategy is clear"
Reduced the postal service in your community, reduce and delay service,remove the Postoffice from our everyday lives"
The UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE is what binds this country together.
Provide private service supplied by profit making firms.
What will it cost to mail a letter in the future from FL. to HI $5.00?
Issa is just out for greed.. to line is pockets. He is not helping the American people at all . There are people out in the middle of nowhere who rely on the UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE 6 days a week.
Visit saveamericaspostalservice for the latest news on how you can help
correction: Potter was NOT in sicko but as PR chief of CIGNA, is now a whistleblower on his part in a conspiracy to trash M. Moore and that movie. I must've seen him on Bill Moyers or somewhere explaining his role in the conspiracy.
...PR chief of CIGNA until conscious got ahold of him, that is.
Hi Wendell, I only saw you one other place briefly - the movie 'Sicko', right?
amazing information, I hope I can find more of your analysis.
We need to protect those that were exposed to workplace health problems who can't practically sue for care or reimbursement, but also the entrepreneurs who now have a disincentive to persue their dreams due to healthcare costs, especially if they want to be married to someone who doesn't have insurance. My brother wrote a piece of software that made him famous around the world, but maybe wouldn't have taken that time off work if his wife didn't have health insurance. I know many inventors and entrepreneurs(some rich now, some still struggling), including myself, who have to consider health care in their equation to persue their dreams. Now our country is saddled with 18%gnp for healthcare, vs 5% in Peru and 10%in Canada...but maybe it's even more now for US and less for Peru and Canada due to economic sways.
I was in Peru, where I paid 3$ for a doctor's visit(including writing a prescription). When I have health problems I only think about travelling overseas instead of going to a clinic or hospital in the US.
Years ago, I was exposed to workplace exposure to toxins but regretfully never sued. The major corporation I worked for had an efficient and cruel system which included sending me to a doctor employed by the company that tried to convince me that I wasn't exposed!...just depressing and cruel games.
From a first gulf war tank commander, Alaskan fishing boat deckhand, designer, writer, and statistician, I salute you.
-Bill Hiemiller
I hate to see Rupert Murdoch getting away with it all the time! I hope he'll come unstuck in the United States just like he has done in the UK over the 'phone hacking' scandal, which looks like it's going to spread to the US due to the way his staff at News International hacked the phones of the 911 victims. We need to get rid of him and clean up our television and newspaper media! The government needs to stand up to him properly. In England he's been called in front of parliament to answer to the charges made against him....
I hate to see Rupert Murdoch getting away with it all the time! I hope he'll come unstuck in the United States just like he has done in the UK over the 'phone hacking' scandal, which looks like it's going to spread to the US due to the way his staff at News International hacked the phones of the 911 victims. We need to get rid of him and clean up our television and newspaper media! The government needs to stand up to him properly. In England he's been called in front of parliament to answer to the charges made against him....
No wonder Ron Paul wants to get rid of the EPA. He's not wrong.