We have become a nation of control-freak morons. I am 64 years old, milked cows, and drank the milk for all of my first 20 years on this earth. I am healthy, happy, and doing fine.
What is with the pandemic of control freak judges, politicians, and leaders? Can they not find meaningful work to pursue without getting involved in people's private lives.
The Bible says that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom". I would say that explains a LOT of this type of stupidity!
Here is a link to see what was given/donated 2008 election.
Good to know all sides I would say....
Constitution mandates universal mail service for all. With privitization private companies will spring up where there is money to be made in urban areas. Rural areas will still get delivery from USPS; then we will need taxpayer bailout cuz we will lose money delivering leftovers in these areas. Return to USPS overfunding amounts cuz who doesnt want a refund when you overpay on your taxes for example? Down the road if they cant survive on their own then look at 5,4 or 3 day delivery.
Maybe this story should ALSO include what the 2008 Pres donations were.
As I remember it- wall street was the biggest donator to this current administration...NOT the Republicans.. It should be noted that (2008) was a record year and people need to remember that.
Open Secrets has that info-and quite telling!
Do your own homework people..It is there!