Recent comments

  • Reply to: Sickening Amounts of Healthcare Lobbying   13 years 4 months ago

    One of the most beneficial laws for health care consumers, the HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) Act was included as part of ARRA (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act), and not the health care reform bill. It provides $19 Billion in incentives for healthcare providers to switch from paper based to electronic health records. Clinics and hospitals are integrating patient portals into their websites which will provide patients with on demand access to their health care information from any computer (or phone). This is an important step in transforming the health care system to a more patient centered care approach.

  • Reply to: Local Food Ordinances from Maine to California   13 years 4 months ago
    There shouldn't be any regulation "allowing" people to grow their food - we should already be growing it and it's none of anybody's business including the government.
  • Reply to: Elizabeth Warren 2.0   13 years 4 months ago
    You are a complete idiot to think ELIZABETH WARREN is going to win over Scott Brown... All your begging isn't going to work!!! He is the better person and he is better looking too with or without his clothes.... SORRY -
  • Reply to: Americans for Prosperity Runs Deceptive Robo-Calls   13 years 4 months ago

    Don't ever take out a PayDay loan unless it's a matter or life or death! I took one out for $1,500 and it took me an entire year to pay off because the interest rate is so high! If you are really going to pay it all back on the day you get your paycheck, it isn't a horrible idea, but if you let it accrue some interest, you'll end up regretting it pretty quickly. I unfortunately defaulted on mine which really messed up my credit score. I've had to work pretty diligently with some do-it-yourself credit repair strategies to get my financial life on track. The loan is finally paid off and the collection agency can't harass me anymore, so things are looking up! —Darnell

  • Reply to: Wisconsin Judge Rules Against Food Rights   13 years 4 months ago
    "Many, many more are quietly trying to work on the behalf of the public good." Aren't you the optimist. Just for sh!ts and giggles, why not explore how many members of Amerikkka's congress are under indictment for various offences? THEN tell me about the 'good' politicians working for the public good. Quit (the Amerikkkan) Dream(ing), wake up and smell the coffee.
