This criticism of PRSA is misguided and omits a great deal of important context in the conflict between O'Dwyer and the organization. As a supporter of the CMD and PR Watch, I urge the organizations to reconsider backing Jack O'Dwyer and listing him as a staff member.
I wrote more on my blog (as your comment platform does not appear to permit HTML coding so I couldn't embed links to evidence):
PR Watch Bungles Criticism of PRSA With Error- and Omission-Riddled Attack
October 12, 2011 | Derek DeVries
As someone who has been abused by the system in a most horrific way I could not agree more. I was ill for many years with a very painful disease. Being very much into natural healing I tried to treat the pain myself for several years naturally. When I could not and it got worse I decided to go to a doctor and at least get help with managing my pain as it was becoming unbearable. I had no insurance but was certainly not poor by any means. Little did I know I would be REFUSED by every doctor I contacted as they required insurance OR literally thousands up front to start testing. And MRI alone was over 5 grand. I could not do that and none would take payments.
Finally, bedridden and suicidal I learned I could order prescription pain meds online, which I did, and got my life back for the first time in years. I was able to start back to college, work my home business and function in general. Until last November 2010 when a 20 man SWAT team with automatic rifles broke down my door and took me away to jail in handcuffs. All for less than a months worth of pain meds, which had a doctor given me, would have been a non issue. In January I was convicted as a felon... with NO previous record. I'm a typical 52, a mother, grandmother, wife of 34 years, author, active voter (though no more of course)...
Doing something like this to a citizen is unconscionable. The ramifications of our health care system are far reaching and beyond cruel. I'm doing what I can to raise awareness... I've created a web site with info... wrote a book... and will continue to speak out against these abuses.
Nancy Rector
Author of "A Painful Truth - The Entrapment of America's Sick"
I am a teacher at a high school and today we attended the ACE Climate Change Program. I was appalled by the presentation because it did not present both sides and many of the facts were simply not true. I can't believe we had our students watch this today. I am very interested to see those printouts of the website. I am wondering if you could scan them and let me take a look at them.
"At its inception, the PR industry was supposed to be a helping profession dedicated to fostering an honest, two-way dialogue between companies and the public, to help them better understand each other."? Not according to Edward Bernays
See last Sunday's column by vet political columnist Rob Christensen of the Raleigh News & Observer - Would the GOP have rolled over Dems without Art's money?