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  • Reply to: The Battle Between O'Dwyer and PRSA   13 years 4 months ago
    This criticism of PRSA is misguided and omits a great deal of important context in the conflict between O'Dwyer and the organization. As a supporter of the CMD and PR Watch, I urge the organizations to reconsider backing Jack O'Dwyer and listing him as a staff member. I wrote more on my blog (as your comment platform does not appear to permit HTML coding so I couldn't embed links to evidence): PR Watch Bungles Criticism of PRSA With Error- and Omission-Riddled Attack October 12, 2011 | Derek DeVries More:
  • Reply to: "Occupy Wall Street" Should Protest Wall Street Takeover of Health Care   13 years 4 months ago
    As someone who has been abused by the system in a most horrific way I could not agree more. I was ill for many years with a very painful disease. Being very much into natural healing I tried to treat the pain myself for several years naturally. When I could not and it got worse I decided to go to a doctor and at least get help with managing my pain as it was becoming unbearable. I had no insurance but was certainly not poor by any means. Little did I know I would be REFUSED by every doctor I contacted as they required insurance OR literally thousands up front to start testing. And MRI alone was over 5 grand. I could not do that and none would take payments. Finally, bedridden and suicidal I learned I could order prescription pain meds online, which I did, and got my life back for the first time in years. I was able to start back to college, work my home business and function in general. Until last November 2010 when a 20 man SWAT team with automatic rifles broke down my door and took me away to jail in handcuffs. All for less than a months worth of pain meds, which had a doctor given me, would have been a non issue. In January I was convicted as a felon... with NO previous record. I'm a typical 52, a mother, grandmother, wife of 34 years, author, active voter (though no more of course)... Doing something like this to a citizen is unconscionable. The ramifications of our health care system are far reaching and beyond cruel. I'm doing what I can to raise awareness... I've created a web site with info... wrote a book... and will continue to speak out against these abuses. Nancy Rector Author of "A Painful Truth - The Entrapment of America's Sick"
  • Reply to: ACE, Climate Education, and the Issue of Energy Executives   13 years 4 months ago
    I am a teacher at a high school and today we attended the ACE Climate Change Program. I was appalled by the presentation because it did not present both sides and many of the facts were simply not true. I can't believe we had our students watch this today. I am very interested to see those printouts of the website. I am wondering if you could scan them and let me take a look at them.
  • Reply to: The Battle Between O'Dwyer and PRSA   13 years 4 months ago
    "At its inception, the PR industry was supposed to be a helping profession dedicated to fostering an honest, two-way dialogue between companies and the public, to help them better understand each other."? Not according to Edward Bernays
  • Reply to: "We are the 99%," but the 1% Buy Elections, Reports Show   13 years 4 months ago
    See last Sunday's column by vet political columnist Rob Christensen of the Raleigh News & Observer - Would the GOP have rolled over Dems without Art's money?
